Hotels in Colombia Colombia Hotels

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Reviews of Hotels Colombia

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Reviews of Hotels — Colombia


Score from 2129 reviews


The hotel is well located, away from the old town of Cartagena de Indias but within walking distance of shops, restaurants and the bustling market. Actually, all within walking distance. The room was...


Score from 472 reviews


The staff was nice and courteous. The room was clean, in the room a small kitchenette. Affordable price.
Very good location, close to San Antonio, near small shops. On foot you could walk to most...


Score from 383 reviews


Hostel Cactus is located right next to the city centre, in the historic District of Girón, close to shops and the airport. In the morning we had a good breakfast. The owners were very nice. The...


Score from 179 reviews


The property was well maintained, located in a quiet area and close to the restaurant. Near the gas station. It was possible to rest and continue the journey. The object was easy to find. The staff...


Score from 1698 reviews


The room was clean and of European standard. The beds were comfortable. The staff at the reception was very nice and professional. Check-in was quick. The hotel had a very nice atmosphere. Very...


Score from 1005 reviews


Good location, in a quiet area in Medellin, about 5 minutes walk from the Exito shopping center. Everywhere was close. The staff was nice and helpful, they arranged for us to transfer from the...


Score from 241 reviews


Very good location, Baboon Hostel is located in the center of Santa Marta but in a safe part of the city. Close to the beach, bars and restaurants. Nice bar on the roof. Dormitory room with a...


Score from 308 reviews


The owner of the hostel was extremely nice and friendly. From the airport to the hotel could literally be walked in a few minutes, a short walk from the center. A good place to stay between flights....

Cities in Colombia

Colombia Hotels - Online hotel reservations for Hotels in Colombia

Carrera 48 #51-47 055412 Itagüí

Comunidad Santa Sofía Casa número 5 910001 Santa Sofía

Calle 3 # 6-92 440017 Camarones

835 Carrera 11 Casa en esquina con portón verde grande 176001 Villamaría

Vereda Chambery 171040 Aranzazu

Carrera 63 #31 sur 104 050029 San Antonio de Prado

Viotá Vda El espino 252667 Viotá

Km 16.5 Via Mesitas del Colegio 252627 Santandercito

Top cities — Colombia

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Use eHotelsReviews and book your dream accommodation today. Our website offers safe and reliable online reservations in cities throughout Colombia. Be confident that with us, your stay will be amazing!

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