Hotels in Vert-le-Petit - Online hotel and accommodation booking

The photo shows the La Ferme Mercier located in the city of Vert-le-Petit.
8.6 /10
Score from 20 reviews
Booking, accommodations, guest reviews, photo gallery, prices
Bed and breakfast
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Located in Vert-le-Petit, 40 km from Paris Expo - Porte de Versailles, La Ferme Mercier provides...

  • Features of La Ferme Mercier
  • Meals can be brought to the guest's room
  • Accommodations sanitized between guest stays
  • Online connectivity
  • Wireless internet
  • Guided walking tours
    Triple Room with Private Bathroom
    Double Room with Private Bathroom
    Double Room with Private Bathroom
    Double Room with Private Bathroom
    Double Room with Private Bathroom
    One-Bedroom Apartment with Terrace
    Two-Bedroom Apartment
    Four-Bedroom House
    View all rooms La Ferme Mercier

    Approximate price - Price per room/night

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    Hotel locations in Vert-le-Petit

    FAQs about hotels in Vert-le-Petit

    Can you give me the GPS coordinates for Vert-le-Petit?

    Take a shortcut to Vert-le-Petit! Thanks to these coordinates, you will get there faster than ever before. - ,

    Vert-le-Petit has many types of accommodation, so it is ideal for your next vacation.

    We offer Bed and breakfast in Vert-le-Petit.

    Are there any properties in Vert-le-Petit that offer free wireless internet?

    Vert-le-Petit is the place you must be if you need fast and reliable wifi! Fortunately for all of us, many facilities in this city provide free internet access.

    How much does a room cost at a property in Vert-le-Petit?

    Planning a visit to Vert-le-Petit? Hotels in the city offer multiple accommodation options, all at different prices depending on the length of your stay and the type of room you choose. Have fun and discover your perfect place to put your head!

    How can I find properties near me in Vert-le-Petit?

    We have the perfect guide - our facility map! Thanks to it, you will find out where to book accommodation for these ideal trips nearby. Let's plan this trip today!

    Find your perfect accommodation in Vert-le-Petit today!

    It's simple, just enter your dates to view the latest prices and deals from over 1 Vert-le-Petit hotels.