Hotels in Le Bettaix - Online hotel and accommodation booking

The photo shows the Chalet Snow Mountain located in the city of Le Bettaix.
Booking, accommodations, guest reviews, photo gallery, prices
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Located in Le Bettaix, 26 km from Moûtiers-Salins-Brides-les-Bains Train Station, Chalet Snow...

  • Features of Chalet Snow Mountain
  • Parking along the street
  • Accommodations sanitized between guest stays
  • Whirlpool bath
  • Wireless internet
  • Wireless internet access throughout the property

    Approximate price - Price per room/night

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    FAQs about hotels in Le Bettaix

    What are the GPS coordinates of Le Bettaix?

    Do you want to get to Le Bettaix quickly? Just enter these coordinates in the map and you will be there. - ,

    Looking for a cosy place to stay in Le Bettaix? Check out our top picks below.

    We offer Chalet in Le Bettaix.

    What are any properties in Le Bettaix that offer free WiFi?

    If you are planning a trip to Le Bettaix, be sure to check out the properties in the city! These hotels offer not only great accommodation, but also free internet access.

    How much would it cost to stay in Le Bettaix?

    Le Bettaix is a great destination with facilities for every budget - from luxury apartments to cosy inns! Whether you're planning an extravagant vacation or just looking for something more affordable, the wide range of accommodation in the city can satisfy your needs and make your stay memorable.

    What are some tips for finding properties near me in Le Bettaix?

    Discover the perfect facility for your getaway close to home with our comprehensive map! We know that sightseeing can be tiring, so let us do all the hard work and point you in the right direction.

    If you need a place to stay in Le Bettaix, look no further! We have a wide selection of facilities for you to choose from.

    It's simple, just enter your dates to view the latest prices and deals from over 1 Le Bettaix hotels.