Hotels in La Tacherie - Online hotel and accommodation booking

The photo shows the La Kabanetik located in the city of La Tacherie.
9.5 /10
Total Hotel Score
Booking, accommodations, guest reviews, photo gallery, prices
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La Kabanetik, a property with a garden, is set in La Tacherie, 32 km from Zénith de Nantes...

  • Features of La Kabanetik
  • Patio
  • All dishes, utensils, glassware, and other table items have been disinfected
  • Guests can choose to decline housekeeping services during their stay
  • Meals can be brought to the guest's room
  • Lodging sealed after sanitization

    Approximate price - Price per room/night

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    FAQs about hotels in La Tacherie

    GPS coordinates for La Tacherie are:

    Do you want to get to La Tacherie quickly? Just enter these coordinates in the map and you will be there. - ,

    Does La Tacherie have any type of accommodation?

    We offer Chalet in La Tacherie.

    How much would a night in La Tacherie cost?

    Be sure to check the dates and type of accommodation if you are looking for a property in La Tacherie, as prices can vary greatly! You don't want to miss the opportunity to find the perfect place at the right price.

    How can I find an object in La Tacherie near me?

    Look no further - our detailed map shows you all the options, so you can find what suits your needs.

    Looking for the best accommodations in La Tacherie? Look no further than our list of top-rated accommodation options!

    It's simple, just enter your dates to view the latest prices and deals from over 1 La Tacherie hotels.