Hotels in La Fontenelle - Online hotel and accommodation booking

The photo shows the De dartagnan located in the city of La Fontenelle.
Booking, accommodations, guest reviews, photo gallery, prices
Holiday home
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Situated in La Fontenelle in the Brittany region, De dartagnan features a terrace. Both free WiFi...

  • Features of De dartagnan
  • Smoke-free property
  • Outdoor furnishings
  • Outdoor grilling amenities
  • Complimentary parking
  • Climate control
    Four-Bedroom Home

    Approximate price - Price per room/night

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    Hotel locations in La Fontenelle

    FAQs about hotels in La Fontenelle

    What are the GPS coordinates for La Fontenelle?

    Head to La Fontenelle! Thanks to these coordinates, you will quickly reach your destination. - ,

    What types of accommodation are available in La Fontenelle?

    We offer Holiday home in La Fontenelle.

    Is there any property in La Fontenelle that has free WiFi?

    If you are planning a trip to La Fontenelle, be sure to check out the properties in the city! These hotels offer not only great accommodation, but also free internet access.

    How much does it usually cost for one night at a property in La Fontenelle?

    Planning a trip to La Fontenelle? Make sure you research the prices carefully – they can change drastically depending on when you arrive and what type of accommodation you choose.

    How can I find an object near the city centre in La Fontenelle?

    Let us help you find the perfect place to stay with our detailed property map. Discover the best properties near your destination today!

    Looking for a place to stay in La Fontenelle? Check out our selection of facilities!

    It's simple, just enter your dates to view the latest prices and deals from over 1 La Fontenelle hotels.