Hotels in La Bazouge-de-Chemeré - Online hotel and accommodation booking

The photo shows the calme et verdure located in the city of La Bazouge-de-Chemeré.
8.9 /10
Score from 14 reviews
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Located in La Bazouge-de-Chemeré and only 33 km from Solesmes Abbey, calme et verdure provides...

  • Features of calme et verdure
  • Smoke-free property
  • Reserved private parking
  • Outdoor security cameras
  • Personnel adhere to all safety guidelines set by local authorities
  • Online connectivity
    Two-Bedroom Apartment

    Approximate price - Price per room/night

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    FAQs about hotels in La Bazouge-de-Chemeré

    What are the GPS coordinates of La Bazouge-de-Chemeré?

    Quickly find your way to La Bazouge-de-Chemeré with these coordinates - a city rich in history and culture! - ,

    Looking for a place to stay in La Bazouge-de-Chemeré? Here are some recommendations.

    We offer Apartment in La Bazouge-de-Chemeré.

    Are there any properties in La Bazouge-de-Chemeré that offer free WiFi?

    Guests visiting La Bazouge-de-Chemeré can enjoy free internet access, most of the facilities in the city provide this facility.

    What is the cost of accommodation in La Bazouge-de-Chemeré?

    If you're planning a trip to the bustling city of La Bazouge-de-Chemeré, be prepared for property prices that can range from budget-friendly to breathtaking, depending on when and where you choose to relax.

    How can I find an object near the city centre in La Bazouge-de-Chemeré?

    Our great map will help you find the perfect place!

    Looking for a place to stay in La Bazouge-de-Chemeré? Try one of our facilities!

    It's simple, just enter your dates to view the latest prices and deals from over 1 La Bazouge-de-Chemeré hotels.

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