Hotels in Bâgé-la-Ville - Online hotel and accommodation booking

The photo shows the Gîte de champvent Nalaque located in the city of Bâgé-la-Ville.
Booking, accommodations, guest reviews, photo gallery, prices
Holiday home
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Set in Bâgé-la-Ville and only 16 km from Mâcon Exhibition Centre, Gîte de champvent Nalaque offers...

  • Features of Gîte de champvent Nalaque
  • Accommodations for families
  • Smoke-free rooms
  • Online connectivity
  • Reserved private parking
  • Wireless internet access throughout the property
    Four-Bedroom House

    Approximate price - Price per room/night

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    The photo shows the Au coeur des 3 bâgé located in the city of Bâgé-la-Ville.
    9.7 /10
    Score from 7 reviews
    Booking, accommodations, guest reviews, photo gallery, prices
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    Located 13 km from Mâcon Exhibition Centre, Au coeur des 3 bâgé provides accommodation with free...

    • Features of Au coeur des 3 bâgé
    • Complimentary WiFi
    • Personnel adhere to all safety guidelines set by local authorities
    • Patio
    • Online connectivity
    • Physical key entry
      One-Bedroom Apartment

      Approximate price - Price per room/night

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      Hotel locations in Bâgé-la-Ville

      FAQs about hotels in Bâgé-la-Ville

      The GPS coordinates for Bâgé-la-Ville are:

      Take advantage of the shortcut to the city of Bâgé-la-Ville with these coordinates! - ,

      What does Bâgé-la-Ville have to offer in terms of accommodation?

      We offer Apartment, Holiday home in Bâgé-la-Ville.

      Do properties in Bâgé-la-Ville offer free Wi-Fi?

      Do you need to stay connected when visiting the bustling city of Bâgé-la-Ville? Look no further - many facilities provide their guests with fast, free internet access. Whether it's searching for local attractions or keeping in touch with family at home, you'll be up to date by booking a property in this exciting destination!

      How much would it cost to stay in Bâgé-la-Ville?

      Bâgé-la-Ville has a wide range of properties to choose from, and prices depend on your travel dates and accommodation preferences. So when you're planning your next trip there, you're sure to find something perfect, be it luxurious or budget-friendly!

      If you're looking for a place to stay in Bâgé-la-Ville, here are some tips on how to find properties nearby.

      Our map is here to help. Start exploring and find great properties nearby!

      Looking for a place to stay in Bâgé-la-Ville? Check out our selection of facilities!

      It's simple, just enter your dates to view the latest prices and deals from over 2 Bâgé-la-Ville hotels.

      The top three most popular tourist destinations in France are: